

memories …

it is long ago now that i won tickets and visited the miraculous yucatan area of mexico, bumped into a congress on psycotropic plant medicines and dwelled on isla mujeres mediating by the sea and cooking food with local people … my memories are delicious moments of the first ceviche … mingeling raw fish with lime and cilantro and tiny dices of red onion … in a tiny kitchen right above a flower shop …
or being served a smoothie from fresh papaya and some golden pancakes by a lovely and graceful old lady at a small food stall every morning … 
as well as unwrapping the chunky maize paste from a maize leave as i tried my first tamales with a former n.y. culinary school student at a local festival … and many more …

have you ever tried to recreate the perfect food? the perfect moment? it is so alluring and so impossible …

many years later i was gifted red maize seeds by a friend and reminded of the colourful maize and lots of mexican memories bubbled up. so i improvised and created my first tamales in Austria. i planned to meet a lovely lady from South America to study tamales with her, but then the pandemic hit … and so i just have this experimental recipe … which was nice, but …

